We may have cancer and feel good, or be submitted to substantial disability and suffering without doctors finding any evidence of disease. Medicine gives no acceptable answers to the last situation and arbitrarily appeals to denying the reality of suffering, making the calvary of patients even more unbearable. This blog tries to contribute with the knowledge of the neuronal network, giving a little light to this confusing section of pathology.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Everyone has migraines!

Yesterday was the World Day Against Migraine.

Migraine is doing well. Experts say that it has risen two points of incidence in the population.

We have promising developments but there is a lack of information, marketing.

- We need to educate, sensitize the population.

Obviously the most sensitive on the topic of migraine are neurologists. Migraine is a syndrome of central sensitization. There are investigations that confirm it. The most sensitive, the neurologists, suffer migraine almost ten times more than the "normal" population (under-sensitized).

It makes sense. If we properly sensitize the under-sensitized population (normal) we manage to bring the incidence of the neurologists closer to theirs. It is ambitious, but not impossible: over 50% of the population has migraines. A real challenge.

In the development on information about genes related to various enzymes that don’t metabolize bad molecules well (histamine, glutamate ...) there are some novelties. Migraine, experts still argue, is there since we are born.

Once acquired that migraine is congenital, the only thing we have left is to follow the thousands of canons of things we have to avoid, the terrible triggers of migraine. We must avoid aged cheese, chocolate, weather changes and hormonal stresses, electromagnetic radiation, alcohol shots,...

What should we do? Of course, ask an expert.

Which one? You pick it yourself. We have lots of kinds. If you don’t like the first one, don’t worry. We have some others too. The one that works will be the right one.

Things do not always go well... for the sufferer. Migraine strengthens. It becomes more frequent, intense and rebellious to its proposals.

Experts say that there is not much left to do with this troop. They are not consulted enough and take painkillers the way they want. They are drug addicts in power (the genes again) and don’t know how to deal with the pain without the sedative.

- You have to take the painkiller at the first sign of pain. Don’t wait.

- I do, but it doesn’t work anymore.

- You have taken too many painkillers. You’ve self-medicated.

- You prescribed it.

- Yes, but I warned you not to have too many.

Sufferer unions demand to be considered ill.

The Patronal agrees:

- Migraine is a chronic brain disease.

You already know the purpose of this hidden blog:

- Migraine emerges from a healthy body by mismanagement of a mistaken brain.

The person with migraine isn’t born like that. It becomes like that. That person learns, imitates.  

Migraine is a syndrome of conversion. There are beliefs underneath.

The solution is the reconversion, the disbelief of the believed. Desensitization. Tolerance to triggers. Good life. Carelessness.

- Now I drink wine and eat chocolate and they no longer give me migraines. Credible!

I already warned you:

From what we believe, we create


Anonymous said...

Muy buenas, ayer pude comprobar mi buena tolerancia a la cerveza, a la cerveza “con alcohol” y muy bien con “puntito” y todo.
¡Que bien sabe!, años, pero años llevaba sin probarla. La obediencia a pié juntillas para evitar los desencadenantes me obligaba a pedir siempre una “sin”, así más de 20 años y veo que me han equivocado todo este tiempo, pero no hay mal que por bien no venga, ahora tengo libertad de elección sin ningún temor de que me condicione, buenos tintos de verano que también estoy tolerando este estío y tan contento, y espero tolerar muchas más cosas para disfrutarlas “sin” sufrir.


arturo goicoechea said...

Anonimo "Con"vivir con el "sin" es un "sin"vivir, como su mismo nombre indica.

Buen provecho

Anonymous said...

Mi mente recordó un par cosas al leer este artículo estimado Arturo, la primera me retrocedió a varios años atrás cuando me ofrecieron por primera vez consumir cocaína y negué la oferta, el ambiente de tensión en el nido improvisado que había provocado mi presencia no era nada fácil de soportar y la segunda fue mi esposa preguntando en la clínica donde me hicieron una pequeña cirugía en el pie acerca de unas personas con maletín que se encontraban a las espera de ser atendidos en los distintos consultorios de la institución pero no supe aclarar su interrogante para ese momento, luego me entere que esas personas eran los representantes de ventas de las diferentes marcas de medicamentos (drogas legales) ofertadas por los distintos especialistas. Me parece que 2 + 2 = 4.
Gracias por proporcionar alivio a mis dolencias, en mi caso existenciales y alérgicas, por medio de sus escritos estimado.


arturo goicoechea said...

Anonimo: tal como sugiere, en el consumo crónico de fármacos, en ausencia de enfermedad, se dan muchas similitudes, incluida la del hombre del maletín con la promoción de adicciones...
