We may have cancer and feel good, or be submitted to substantial disability and suffering without doctors finding any evidence of disease. Medicine gives no acceptable answers to the last situation and arbitrarily appeals to denying the reality of suffering, making the calvary of patients even more unbearable. This blog tries to contribute with the knowledge of the neuronal network, giving a little light to this confusing section of pathology.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Al final va a ser la histamina...

A friend showed me a journalistic report of a presentation with great fanfare at the Congress of Deputies, a study which showed that, amongst the group of people with migraine, low levels of an enzyme, diamine oxidase, have been found. A consequence of this deficit would be a low inhibition of histamine, a molecule defined as a potential source responsible for migraines.
They do not say clearly what the role of histamine in the origin of the crisis is. It suggests that migraine has a vascular origin (we know that’s not true) and that histamine would generate a violent expansion of the temporal arteries (which are marked on the temples). Food contains histamine, some more than other. Some medications (including those used to combat migraine) may act by inhibiting, slowing the activity of this holy enzyme that contains the damn histamine.
If all this were true... identifying those citizens that, because of their genes or their habits, find themselves living in an organism that can not restrain the excesses of histamine would be crucial, and then proceed to give advice on not recommended food and medicines.
The presentation of this discovery has had an incredible paraphernalia launching to the world as if it were a milestone in resolving the cumbersome problem of migraine.
The promoters of this study have developed the "Manifesto of Madrid", a call to sensitize all professional and social sectors to redouble their efforts. That includes more information, a consideration of chronic disease disabling entitled to the subsidies given to the classic diseases, more funds for research, promises of new medications...
When it rains, it pours. Arteries, histamine, genes, triggers ...
The biochemistry of the sapiens (ma non troppo) is the same as that of other bugs as far as histamine is concerned. Strains of animals with a deficit of diamine oxidase could be selected and then cause them a forbidden bellyful, and see if they behave as if they had a migraine.
My proposal about the origin of migraine is known to readers of this blog. I think it is a cultural product that promotes defensive alarmism. I have had a lot of patients with migraine that after eating chocolate, cheese and other delicacies have understood what I explained to them and declassified forbidden fruits proceeding to eat them with relish and no fear, without any consequences. I also know some cases in which crises have gone away when removing a kind of food from their diet. There are data for all likes and dislikes.
I fear all these solemn proclamations. My duty for the small group of followers of this humble blog is to show my concern about these media circuses.
Meanwhile, the memes of migraine still make their killing. They increasingly find it easier to spread around the socialized neuronal network.
In Madrid, histamine was proclaimed the responsible for the migraine hell.
Histamine is the new scapegoat. It will try to displace serotonin.
The promoters of molecular scapegoats are always behind all of this.
"Qui prodest? (Who benefits from this?). The Manifesto promoters think it is the sufferer. Let's hope so, but I doubt it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


- Oh! So the body has neurons? I thought they only existed in the head ...

A patient was surprised to know that every point of the organism is filled with neurons. Nothing escapes their control. Neurons register everything that happens and transfer it to the net, an area of endless gossip where everything is known.

The organism model used by Medicine is not very aware that everything we perceive, feel and do comes from neuronal activity.

Pain is a neuronal product ... always.

The doctors’ lack of interest towards the neurons’ management of the organism is starting to get scandalous.

Muscles, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments... they all deserve to be considered by professionals. Neurons are invisible. The neck hurts, muscles hurt...

Nobody says: neurons hurt ... it sounds weird.

Neurons are cells specialized in detecting events and memorizing them in order to build knowledge, anticipative capacity. They are sensitive individuals with a past, a present and a future mixed in their membrane.

Neurons imagine the reality, they dream about it at all times and make decisions that protect us from what they have learned to fear.

Neurons of all living creatures are equal. Sapiens (ma non troppo) do not have any kind of exclusive neuron. We just have a higher density of connections. Thus we can imagine more than other species. We are not tied to what happened. We dream.

The neuronal dream is inevitable.

Sometimes nightmares show up, irrational fears, phobias, superstitions. Neurons do not always distinguish the real reality from the dreamt one.

A migraine is a neuronal nightmare, fibromyalgia is the neuronal conviction of inhabiting a sick body.

Symptoms unmask the neuronal sleep, they let us know what neurons think, fear ...

Culture feeds the neuronal dream, it’s a fundamental biological component.

We indoctrinated citizens with the absurd fear to chocolate, southern wind and hormonal fluctuations while we let the neurons build all kinds of alarmist dreams.

- The migraine is a neuronal dream... wake your brain up, convince him that everything is a product of the imagination...

- So it hurts me because I imagine it's going to hurt?

- Not at all. It hurts because neurons dream of the possibility that something terrible is happening in your head. In reality, nothing special is happening.

All of this sounds weird and often causes rejection but it is real. Why aren’t neurologists interested in regular neurons?

I don’t know. They are dazzled with genes and drugs, labels and classifications of over a hundred types of headaches that have been described ...

"Okay. Everything is chemistry, but it’s a chemistry with history, memory, imagination ...

Not only is memory in the nucleus, in the DNA. There is also memory in the neuronal membrane. From this memory, dreams emerge (right guesses and mistakes).

Neuroscientists only see DNA in migraine, nucleus ... They forget the membrane.