We may have cancer and feel good, or be submitted to substantial disability and suffering without doctors finding any evidence of disease. Medicine gives no acceptable answers to the last situation and arbitrarily appeals to denying the reality of suffering, making the calvary of patients even more unbearable. This blog tries to contribute with the knowledge of the neuronal network, giving a little light to this confusing section of pathology.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Survival Instinct

The human being has an original condition that gives meaning to every living creature: survival.

All the complexity of the organism finds its meaning and purpose in keeping alive all the efficient and reliable cellular individuals that it hosts on its space-time. Any detected sign of cellular incompetence or selfishness (cancer) activates a programmed death (apoptosis and others). No uncertainty permitted.

The organism is the result of a labored evolutionary intercellular social contract, reflected in the complex processes of genetic expression.

Until proven otherwise, everything can be unacceptable, punishable. Any cell could not be able to do its job and become a burden, a handicapped ... or be too clever and do as it pleases reproducing without measure, without paying attention to what the regeneration and tissue repair requires.

The body doesn’t fool around. The cellular quality control operates without blinking an eye on any minimal molecular signal of disability or ambition.

There is something the body fears in particular: the violent death of its cells (necrosis). First, because its avoidance is what led to the appearance of cellular societies. It’s the part of the contract that must be met: avoiding death by lethal agents and states, of its own and of others, internal and external. Secondly, because a necrotic cellular individual is a pathogen, a sack of corrosive chemistry and unpredictable DNA. The body detects necrosis with sensors located in the membrane of immune and neuronal vigilant cells and proceeds to deliver the inflammatory response, a complex process of removal of necrotic remains and regeneration and repair of necrotic tissues.

The body smells the consummated necrosis in alien flesh (through necrotic pheromones) and enhances it via all kinds of sensory signals (smells, tastes, colors, shapes, sounds...).

Homo sapiens (ma non troppo) has, apart from the conservation instincts (sensory signals of real time potential danger), language, culture, with its own instinct: the instinct of conversation.

The language has led to the excessive madness of knowing and spreading it all through any process: imagination, illumination, anointment...

The lawlessness to know everything at low prices, with no effort, has generated a cognitive atmosphere (infosphere, noosphere) of brain intimidation, of fear of the known-unknown, of the possible-improbable.

Organisms react to danger in two ways: either running away or remaining motionless. Pain, discouragement, lack of energy, negative rumination, contracture are various forms of expression of a frightened, catastrophic brain.

The instinct of conservation and the natural talkative-apostolic sapiens, the instinct of conversation-conversion are generating new sufferings of all kinds.

It’s all about emergency, a mysterious property that generates emerging diseases ...


cari said...

Qué lindo es leerte Arturo. Es cierto eso de que hay gente que para hacer poesía sólo tiene que mover los labios.
Claro que está la parte de aprender, y aprendemos, cada uno como puede.
Pero me doy cuenta que ninguno de estos temas me atraparían como lo hacen si no los escribieras así.. tan lindo..
Es una obra maravillosa la que haces: uno se siente mejor, ya por gratitud! para empezar. Ok ok ya sé que todo esto es muy científico, espero que no se malentienda que así lo veo, y también mi cerebro. Pero tus formas son literarias, y para algunos la literatura es la única forma de entender. Gracias siempre.

Arturo Goicoechea said...

Cari: me alegra tener noticias tuyas. Temo que tus halagos me generen dependencia y los vaya necesitando cada vez con más frecuencia...

Gracias por el comentario. Ayuda a continuar con esto...

Un abrazo

cari said...

Imposible alejarnos de lo que nos hace bien.
Te leo cada día, como se está a los pies del maestro en calidad de discípulo.
Este blog tiene poderes para los que queremos aprovechalos.
Tu forma cambió radicalmente el concepto de mí como enferma de Fibromialgia modelo para llevar al Congreso Mundial de FM, como me calificó el médico que me diagnosticó.
Vaya vaya..cómo cargar con eso. Uds. ya saben: las etiquetas.
Ahora me siento libre para escribir de nuevo mi historia, y eso es obra tuya.
Si te halaga, pues bien!, porque es la verdad.
Saludos desde acá.