We may have cancer and feel good, or be submitted to substantial disability and suffering without doctors finding any evidence of disease. Medicine gives no acceptable answers to the last situation and arbitrarily appeals to denying the reality of suffering, making the calvary of patients even more unbearable. This blog tries to contribute with the knowledge of the neuronal network, giving a little light to this confusing section of pathology.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The right to inflammate

At my office, I show an image of some firemen extinguishing a fire and ask the patient:

- Which one represents inflammation: the firemen or the fire?

The answer is, invariably: “the fire!”

Inflammation means lighting a fire, producing a flame. An inflamed tissue is hot and red, and sore and swollen. Firemen de-inflammate, they put out the fire. Hence, they are anti-inflammatories ... Elemental.

- Well, they aren’t. Firemen represent inflammation. Agents that aim to prevent the spread of the fire.

Words, when not adequate, play tricks. The term inflammation is absolutely inadequate, disruptive, pathological. It should be erased.

Inflammation is a defensive response that protects healthy tissues from something destructive and repairs the damaged.

The idea that inflammation is a destructive fire that must be stopped with anti-inflammatories is widespread.

The compulsive and compelling application of ice exposes the error of considering inflammation something destructive that must be fought.

Certainly, the firemen cause damage in their fighting rage against flames, but no one thinks about calling the police during a fire to report some men that destroy doors and make a mess with water.

There may be a case of an excessive action of the firemen. They can destroy the living room to put out a fire on the corner of a curtain.

It can also happen that firefighters flood the house every time we turn on the fireplace.

There are some firemen that take excessive actions and kill flies with guns or that do not give permission to make good fires. There are excessive and unnecessary inflammations, but firefighters do not set things on fire, they put it out. They are inflammating agents ... "Inflammation", damn word! This way it’s impossible to understand it...!

Pain is part of the inflammatory status: tumor, redness, heat and pain...

Anti-symptom brigades try to avoid swelling, redness, heat and pain. They assume that firefighters are always excessive and unnecessary, even if there’s a fire.

The body needs this inflammatory response (firemen) quickly and decisively to put out any necrotizing, destructive fire and it also needs to measure its response. There is no inflammation without an anti-inflammation. Prescribing inflammatories and anti-inflammatories would make the same sense.

- You’ll have to take these inflammatories so it heals faster. Its temperature will rise, it will swell, it will hurt and it will look like a tomato.

There are some who argue that inflammation was necessary in the old days in the savanna when surviving carried being wounded day-to-day. In the comfortable life we have now, inflammation is excessive, inadequate, and must be contained, like high blood pressure. It can be, but first we have to take the measure of each one’s inflammation to see if it’s excessive.

- They said I have a high inflammation. I’m taking anti-inflammatories...

Tissues of the embryos don’t burn when they break. They regenerate. New cells are produced. With cellular development and maturation, tissues lose their regenerating power and resort to inflammation to repair themselves. It’s not the same, but the repairs are not completely bad: aesthetically poor and with their function somewhat diminished, but they still work.

Until proven otherwise, inflammation is timely and measured. It must be respected. If someone has a pathological inflammation response, the inflammatory rage must be controlled, allergy and hiperergy, using anti-inflammatories.

There is an obsession to discredit the self-management of the body. Everything it does is wrong. Everything is deregulated, it’s too much or falls short... Defensive, neural and immune systems are incompetent and need a professional’s correction that, at a glance or by simple hunch, feels that everything is swollen, wrongly swollen, excessively inflamed.

The sufferers feel swollen. They feel pain, so there is inflammation.

- There are sirens of firefighters, so there are firefighters. There are firefighters, so there is fire. Changes in weather should burn the house, because I can hear the siren...

- Are you saying that firefighters are inflammation, incendiaries?

- Yes, they are. Damn fire, blessed firefighters! Blessed inflammation despite that damn name!

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